
An article about The James Webb Space Telescope



The year 1660 was a very important year in the history of science. Because this year a Dutch lens maker invented the telescope. In the beginning, this telescope was used only for entertainment Or it fell into the hands of pirates. Which they used to see ships coming from afar. It had nothing to do with astronomy.  


Scientist Galileo 


Galileo was the first scientist Who turned the telescope to the sky in 1809. And so began the golden age of the science of astronomy. Humans saw with their own eyes the sights of the sky, which they could not even imagine before. Because at that time the Catholic Church believed that the earth was the center of the universe And the sun, moon, stars all revolve around it. But Galileo proved them wrong and said that our world is not even a particle of this universe. And the sun does not revolve around the earth, but the earth revolves around the sun. Beyond this earth, many worlds await us. And our universe is expanding every moment, every second. This belief was clearly against the teachings of the Catholic Church. Therefore, Galileo was declared an atheist and imprisoned forever. And one day he died in the same prison. 


Hubble telescope 


But the research of space did not stop there, because four hundred years later such a time came. When large telescopes were installed on Earth, observing planets, stars and countless galaxies floating in the sky. Then came a new revolution in the world of astronomy in 1990, when the Hubble Telescope was launched. Because Hubble was the world's first telescope to revolve around the world. And works in space. This telescope came out of the world, and observed astronomical bodies, and one by one the secrets of this universe began to be revealed to us human beings. Even everything we know about the universe today is made possible by the Hubble Telescope. 


Hubble telescope

Hubble has been in operation for over 30 years. And it still has the distinction of being the most successful space telescope in history. But now the Hubble Telescope is getting old and may have to be scrapped in the next few years. That's why we now need a new space telescope that uses more advanced technology. And the next telescope is called the James Webb telescope. How is this telescope different from Hubble, and what can it do? How will James Webb discover the secrets of the creation of the universe for humans? And why do NASA scientists hope That they are coming very close to him to meet Alien Life? Let's find out the answers to all these questions. 


Astronomer James Hubble and James Webb 


We know that the Hubble Telescope was named after the famous astronomer James Hubble. Who for the first time observed a galaxy other than the Milky Way galaxy from their observations. And discovered that our universe is constantly expanding, As Galileo said. Before that, scientists believed that our Milky Way galaxy was the total universe, and the center of the universe. 

The James Webb Space Telescope is named after the famous astronomer James Webb, who was NASA's administrator from 1961 to 1968. According to NASA, he was instrumental in making the Apollo mission a success. The Hubble telescope was much larger than any other telescope in terms of power and size at the time. The James Webb Telescope is much larger than Hubble. For comparison, just assume that the Hubble Telescope was about the size of a bus James Webb, on the other hand, is about half the size of a Boeing 737. The glass diameter of the James Webb Space Telescope is five times the diameter of the Hubble Telescope glass. It has a sheet around it, which will protect it from the heat of the sun. 


How many dollars did NASA spend on the James Webb and Hubble telescope? 


When work began on the Hubble Telescope, it was estimated that it would cost about 30 million to 40 million. But as the project progressed, so did the cost. And a total of five billion dollars was spent on launching Hubble. The story of the James Webb Telescope is similar. Because when the design of this telescope was started so It was estimated that it would cost about a billion dollars, but so far more than 9 billion has been spent on it. 


sensors of James Webb and the Hubble Telescope 


The biggest difference between the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescope is their sensors. Which detects different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. We can see a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This is called the visible spectrum. But within the visible spectrum, there are only X-rays, gamma rays and ultra-wild rays. Their frequency is higher than the frequency of light. However, the frequency of infrared and radio waves is less than the frequency of light. For the observation of distant galaxies, much more information than the visible spectrum is found in the frequency of infrared and radio waves. Most Hubble telescope detectors detect ultraviolet and visible spectrum. The James Webb Telescope detectors are designed to detect infrared and radio frequencies. the Hubble telescope cannot detect them. While, the James Webb Telescope is capable of absorbing more light due to its larger mirror. Which means we can go back a lot in time.  


James Webb Telescope

This is such a time machine, Which will also show galaxies and stars that are 13 billion light years away from today or even the first such galaxies, Which existed before the beginning of our universe. The most interesting thing about this new telescope is that it will go into space and try to find the stars that first shown after the creation of the universe. It will also be able to find Earth-like planets and the sun, where life may have existed in the past or still exist, means (alien life). And if so, it will be possible to contact them. 


L1 point 


This telescope will not revolve around our Earth like Hubble, but will orbit the Sun 1.5 million kilometers away, which is called L1. The light of the sun, earth and moon cannot reach this place, because this place is in this direction of the earth, which is always in the opposite direction from the sun. There is always the shadow of the earth. 


L1 point

Therefore, it will be possible to keep its detectors at minus two degrees Celsius. That's minus fifteen times Hubble's tolerance temperature. Once the telescope reaches its orbit from Earth, it will be so far from Earth that it will not be possible to send any repair missions on it, And it will not be possible to fix it. That's why its launch date has been changed several times. The purpose of the Hubble Telescope was to discover the secrets of the universe. What is in the universe and at what distance? And how is it formed? What is the law of this universe? However, the purpose of the James Webb Space Telescope is to understand the structure of the universe It will help us humans to re-understand the map of the universe in detail. And it is possible, with so much knowledge, that we have to rewrite our science books. 


When will the James Webb Telescope launch? 


It was to be launched for the first time in 2018. But NASA could not make it on time So its date was changed to 2020, after which it could not launch due to Corona. And now preparations for its launch on December 18, 2021 are in full swing.


James Webb Telescope.

James Webb Telescope launch date?

James Webb Telescope vs Hubble.

James Webb Telescope orbit.

James Webb Telescope cost.

James Webb Telescope facts.

James Webb Telescope size.

When is the James Webb Telescope going to be launched.